Monday, October 15, 2012

Obama, Romney face big hurdle in town hall format: unpredictability - CNN

Title: Obama, Romney face big hurdle in town hall format: unpredictability - CNN



Obama, Romney face big hurdle in town hall format: unpredictability
President George W. Bush had a hard time coming up with three wrong decisions that he'd made in response to a question from an audience member during the town hall debate in 2004 at Washington University in St. Louis. In 2000, Vice President Al Gore ...
Candy Crowley Vows To Ask Follow-Ups At Debate As Campaign Complaints ...Huffington Post
Slatest PM: The Moderating-the-Moderator EditionSlate Magazine (blog)
Crowley's anticipated moderation causing anxiety in both campaignsLos Angeles Times
AFP -TIME (blog)
all 146 news articles »

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Publish Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 21:38:04 GMT